Standing in the Dark

This was recorded at about the same time as "Under the Influence," and the music was completed first (it was started second, but it's very simple), but I spent more time mixing and mastering this one, in the hopes of applying lessons I had learned from the feedback on the former piece.

- I should probably warn listeners that this song started as a joke. I basically decided to see how quickly and easily I could write a simple techno tune. I never originally had any intention of releasing a recording of it, but I just happened to try playing guitar along with it one evening, and I really liked what I was playing. If I had known how much time I would eventually spend on editing/mixing/mastering this song, I probably wouldn't have ever bothered...
- The distortion guitar stuff is entirely improvised, but probably about half of the clean section is composed.
- The very beginning was actually a mistake.. I was trying to write the main chords of the song, but I wrote them wrong. Needless to say, I liked the mistake.
- Although the chord progression is extremely simple compared to "Under the Influence," I took advantage of that to try more interesting things with the guitar. I use at least three different scales: ionian, mixolydian, and blues.